Adult Core Classes


Strangely Bright

"On earth there is nothing I desire besides you" (Ps 73:25). Really? Kids don't want candy? Youth don't long for a close friend? Parents don't pine for a promotion? Moms aren't desperate for 10 minutes of quiet? Grandmas don't want to bake cookies with the grand babies? “On the one hand we say, 'I desire nothing but you, God,' and on the other hand, we say, 'except for all the other things I desire'" (Rigney, Strangely Bright, 4). What are we supposed to do with this tension, other than fight low-grade guilt?

Children, youth, and adults will meet together at 9:00am and learn to receive all God's good gifts with glad and grateful hearts. With interactive teaching, we'll focus on enjoying God in everything, and everything in God so we glorify God for his generosity without idolizing his gifts. Oh, and along the way we'll eat donuts, play with kinetic sand… and there might be crunch cake.


T2D - Titus 2 Discipleship Ministry

You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine...teach the older women... Then they can

train the younger that the word of God may not be reviled. (Titus 2:1,3-5)

The vision of this ministry is to give women a venue and opportunity to do what God has designed and to provide the setting for this type of treasuring and proclaiming within groups of women. 

The desire is to create women's mentoring groups that will meet together to grow in truth by

sharing life together. These groups will intentionally pursue Christian community within the body through intergenerational relationships, older mentors paired with younger, living out the

Gospel while discipling one another to do the same.

Contact the Church Office for more information (763-427-4543)