So Great a Cloud of Witnesses

We’re in a race. The world is our stadium. Saints and angels form the crowd (Heb 12:1). We follow Jesus who despised the shame of the cross for the joy of the throne (Heb 12:2). Before us have run men like Hudson Taylor, who packed his life’s possessions in a casket when he left as a missionary. Countless others of whom the world was not worthy now surround us. Don’t you want their courage? Wouldn’t you give anything to taste their faith?

Children, youth, and adults will meet together to enjoy their stories, praise God for their faithfulness, and learn how to follow in their footsteps. Then we’ll break into smaller groups to encourage one another to walk worthy of our calling.

Schedule: Wednesdays, June 12 – August 28.

  • 5:30pm – bring a meal, eat w/others
  • 6:20pm – teaching/application
  • 7:45pm – talk or play

Strangely Bright

"On earth there is nothing I desire besides you" (Ps 73:25). Really? Kids don't want candy? Youth don't long for a close friend? Parents don't pine for a promotion? Moms aren't desperate for 10 minutes of quiet? Grandmas don't want to bake cookies with the grand babies? “On the one hand we say, 'I desire nothing but you, God,' and on the other hand, we say, 'except for all the other things I desire'" (Rigney, Strangely Bright, 4). What are we supposed to do with this tension, other than fight low-grade guilt?

Children, youth, and adults will meet together at 9:00am and learn to receive all God's good gifts with glad and grateful hearts. With interactive teaching, we'll focus on enjoying God in everything, and everything in God so we glorify God for his generosity without idolizing his gifts. Oh, and along the way we'll eat donuts, play with kinetic sand… and there might be crunch cake.