Whether gathering in-person or staying at home for now, let's all remember to pray for each other during this
challenging season. God is still active among us, working all things according to the counsel of his will and for
the good of his children (Ephesians 1:11; Romans 8:28).
Grace to you as you read through our COVID-19 Protection Plan. Some of us might think it’s too much.
Some of us might think it’s not enough. Either way, let’s love one another by looking to the interests of others
(Philippians 2:4). Let’s outdo one another in showing honor (Romans 12:10). We all are trying to do what we
can to move forward in faith, taking wise precautions while not living in fear. Please let church leadership know
if you have questions or suggestions. We are in this together.
General Precautions
- Exterior doors will be propped open for no-contact entrance and exit.
- Greeters will wear masks and smile, wave, or give "virtual high fives."
- Physical distancing of 6ft will be expected between you and others outside your household.
- We are asking all adults and children 6 years old and up to comply with Governor Tim Walz's mask-wearing mandate upon entering the building. This applies to all settings, including the lobby, Creekside, worship center, gym, and etc.
- Lengthier conversations are to be continued outside, whenever possible.
- We encourage you to refrain from handshakes, hugs, or other forms of close physical contact right now. Virtual high fives and big smiles are encouraged!
- We are asking Individuals experiencing any type of illness to stay at home.
- Vulnerable individuals and older adults are encouraged to evaluate their personal situations. All are welcome at any point they believe it would be wise to rejoin our gatherings.
- An online option will be provided for those who stay at home.
Congregational worship and singing
- We invite the congregation to sing all songs while following the mask/face covering policy.
- The balcony will be open as an option for families with young children.
- The lobby will be reserved as a no-singing zone.
- Those on the platform will not be required to wear face coverings.
- Offerings may be placed in collection baskets available in the lobby. You may also give online or by mailing or dropping off contributions at the church office.
- We will use individually-wrapped elements for The Lord’s Supper.
Sanitary Measures
- We will clean and disinfect the church building before and after each church service or event.
- We encourage frequent hand-washing, the use of hand sanitizer, and covering coughs/sneezes.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available by the doors.
- Food and beverages will not be served.
- Water fountains will not be available.
Sunday School for Children, Youth, and Adults
- Nursery and Sunday School will be provided for children and youth from birth through high school.
- We are asking adults and children/youth 6 years and older to wear masks or face coverings.
- Surfaces and toys will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use, and no snack will be served.
- We will practice physical distancing of 6ft whenever feasible.
- Adult Sunday School will be provided on Zoom for those who stay at home.